Life - Maisha
Your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed for nothing. (Fodyo Dostoevsky)
Dhambi yako mbaya zaidi ni kwamba umeharibu na kusalitiwa kwa chochote. (Fodyo Dostoevsky)
Again and again Africa! The origin of all life! This has excited man's curiosity. Back then, in times long past, people were still faced with obstacles, external obstacles of a questionable civilization, there were still unknown miracles, if we think back today, it seems like a fairy tale.
People, driven by thirst for glory, ambition, but also by greed, went out and searched for easily obtainable natural treasures. And they came to spread culture with grandiloquent phrases, to teach the Christian religion to this heathen. In reality, they came to rob this continent. They came with great boldness, with the gold rush that infected them; Dominance, the oppression of the peoples had to advance to plunder the natural resources in these unknown regions.
Much was wrestled with the black continent. Some legends have reached Europe and have inspired some people to visit this continent.
Man needs Africa, there are plenty of deposits here that are needed in the rest of the world. With this economic power, belts are produced that mainly only benefit the wealthy. Therefore, a small note should be made here. What is the use of man that he elicits her secrets from nature, uncovers them, copies them, makes them available to the people, if the beneficiaries are only the rich? Science and its achievements should be common property! Don't we all have a right to culture? How does man come to the point that he has to be divided into two classes, namely those who only enjoy and those who have to work for those who enjoy, but are nevertheless excluded from enjoyment. Is it a problem in our society? The only answer to that is yes. Our society is divided into those who exploit and those who are exploited. Some people may feel comfortable about what is right and what is wrong; divine truth cannot be killed; she raises her head to the chagrin of this society. This society has much to fear, namely that the benefits they possess will be snatched away from them. For these people, that would be the end of their unemployment. This acquisition is, in any case, the supreme goal, an ideal state that discourages physical exertion. Now one might think that the Church would intervene to regulate this. The church is content to lead people to God. It leads man to his true goal. What is this goal now? To become blessed, one could answer. And what is this bliss? When God's will is done, one is saved. And now we come back. What is God's will? "Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself."
And those who were seen dancing where thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
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