How to get things done and stop procrastinating
Many people hesitate when they have something to do. There is simply a lack of courage to do something, to get it done. Many people then take refuge in procrastination. Unfortunately, procrastination is as terrible as an illness. It destroys productivity while waging an internal struggle to stay away from distractions that prevents them from getting back to work. What can you do to get things done?
Many entrepreneurs think they are productive, consider themselves productive.
But of those many entrepreneurs who describe themselves as productive, you can count on both hands how many of them are high performers. The majority works at a low level. Many think they work, talk a lot, do little. It is not enough for an entrepreneur just to talk, what is required are decisions. What is important is to be informed. Only those who are well informed can make a decision, and it has to be the right one. A lot of head work is required.
It shouldn't take too long for us to get the information we want, sometimes it's not even possible to get the information we need, maybe it doesn't exist at all, then it's necessary to jump in "at the deep end", we can't always waiting until something is perfect to try something new. We have to act quickly, adapt, try things out and then see what needs to be changed and improved. This is also a learning process that we are all subject to. We have to learn, because only those who learn progress, their mind will be able to grasp the future better and thus have a better future. .
Most people attend conferences, take notes, go home, and get back to their daily lives. Forget everything, because everyday life has her back and, as we all know, it's terrible. Others are just waiting for what, the Holy Spirit isn't coming.
So when you have an idea, it is necessary to make a decision, bold and full of confidence. We can't wait for an egg to hatch. Take action. It's all about speed! First come, first served. In other words, whoever is faster than the others has an advantage and that can make all the difference. What we don't know is how much money we'll lose if we don't take action. And that in turn means a delay and that is poverty.
Sometimes procrastination is done until the “last minute”. People may postpone personal issues, health issues, home care issues, or academic/work commitments. This can lead to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, depression, and self-doubt.
What do you mean by these problems listed above? Personal problem can be that a partner causes problems; health problems can be, a visit to the dentist (who goes to a dentist without a stomach ache?); domestic problem can be that the toilet is not tight. It is a great struggle for most people to get some work done for college. Procrastination is the gap between intention and action. As already mentioned, go to work with courage, don't hesitate, just tackle it, that's the only way to get ahead.
Procrastinators try to justify putting things off by saying they don't have the time to do what they need to do. However, this excuse usually means that they will be even more busy later. The time is always the same no matter how “busy” they are.
You have to deal with the procrastination, put it aside, deal with the guilt, the fear, the stress, and of course not getting things done.
One should try to answer "nothing" with this banal question: "What did you do today". Sure, it's a lie, of course you did something, but it wasn't anything important, nothing that would have made the individual person happier, more complete or more relaxed.
What was done was spending 8 hours kicking himself, lying down and saying to himself "I really have to do...".
That has to end! Every beginning is difficult, it is particularly difficult for those who postpone the beginning. The inner bastard has to be overcome and that can only be done with panache. Often we have a task that we think we cannot solve. In this case, we have to be particularly careful and thoughtful about our work. Plunging into this task is not recommended. Here, first of all, a plan must be made, which means finding a way of approaching this task. A good plan is half the solution! Once you have the plan, you can work through it point by point.
Is a reward a good motivator? Of course, a reward is a good idea. This is only valid for your own reward, when dealing with employees this might not be such a good idea, it might not increase motivation. Offering yourself rewards is just common sense.
In this context, we should not forget that we are descended from apes. In essence, we are just hairless monkeys. That's how we work too. A little candy increases our attention. We humans learned that from monkeys. So we have to reward ourselves to complete the task.
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