Montag, 7. Februar 2022

Money makes the world go round

The political scandals of recent years have severely tarnished Austria's international image. According to the latest corruption index from Transparency International (TI), the situation has worsened recently - in other words, the country has become more corrupt. Compared to 2020, Austria has lost two points in the index and now finds itself in 13th place with Canada, Estonia, Iceland and Ireland with 74 out of 100 points. However, the problem is not only increasing in Austria - corruption is also becoming more and more of an issue internationally.

Kenya is on place 128. Not bad. The direction is correct... Or not? Last year, that means 2020, Kenya was on place 124. So, even in Kenya, its going down. 

Points are awarded, for example, according to whether a government successfully curbs corruption and whether corrupt public officials are prosecuted or punished. Bribery and venality, nepotism, theft of public funds, the effective prosecution of corrupt public officials, and effective integrity mechanisms in the public sector are all included under corruption.

Data from

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