Freitag, 28. Mai 2021

Kenyan Ladies

Let me start from the beginning. Off course! I am a foreigner, coming to Kenya to meet a woman. I got her from the internet. Internet contacts are usually dangerous and difficult. You trust, believe in what the lady writes to you. If you don't trust leave her, cut the conversation. And I trusted her. Her name ist Jacqueline Ogutu. She's not young, not old, in a good age, mother of four children. To make the story short, I felt in love with her. Was feeling very conformable. She is a nice and beautiful lady. After some weeks, we stayed together in Mosocho, Kisii, she ask me if I don't want to buy a house for us. I thought that's a good idea and we start searching. Riuru, Kilimani, and a lot other places we were visiting. But the hoses have been, for my circumstances, to expansive. I found out, if I build my own house it will cost the half price! So we were searching for a plot. That was easy then her aunt connected us to one of her fellow members in her village. His name: Charles Mukuzi. The strange thing was that there were also a man, Patrick Hamazi. He was always around, even when we were there to visit the plot, and it is not his plot. I bougth the plot. We went to the serveiler, he make the contract, here it's called sales agreement, on a paper stamp with Ministry of Land. Jackie were looking for a fundi. She came with one guy, Innocent is his name. I discussed several times with him the matter and slowly I haven't felt conformable with this guy. I asked him to make a plan how much materials we need and what are the costs of them including the labor. There was no outcome. After some days he came and he showed me a message on his phone from, as he said architect, for painting the house and calculating the materials. That was very couriouse. He wanted 50.000 and 30.000 for drawing the house. I ask Jackie if Innocent is really a fundi? She said yes. From where you know him?, was my next question. We have build some houses, her answer. I guess nothing is correct. Some weeks later I have done a drawing of my house as I would like it. We went to Migori, we found an architect, I presented my ideas, he said that's OK. He have done the drawing, the stamps from government, I paid the fees and we were ready to start with the contraction of the house. Nearby Jackie we found a fundi, Benard. Price was OK. His appearance OK. Anyway he has done good.

Anytime we visited the construction site, there was this Patrick. He was always around and also the aunt of Jackie. The next question was to find somebody to look after the construction. Jackie have had a good idea. Her aunt and Patrick will look after the site, and I should give them each 50.000. To keep peace I agreed first, then later I refused. For that money it was possible to go everyday to the site. And this Patrick start to go on my nerves. Whatever we have had to order, to do, he always gives his ideas and shortly I found out, whatever he said it was OK. No more questions, no more discussions. Who is that Patrick, I asked Jackie. I thought it's a relative because he was always around. I don't know him, she answered. So what he want here, I haven't called  him, I answered. He want to help us, was her answer.

We bougth bricks from a nearby farmer. Was a little bit cheaper. What becomes expansive was tge transport. Crazy prices they ask for. Bricks were transported and the construction starts.

Then I have had to leave the country. Lockdown came. Six months I was waiting to come back.

When I'm back, something got changed. Marriage she wanted. OK, no problem. We went to Kisumu for registration. Palmers hotel we ordered the ceremony. Another day we met with her parents. Jackie and her mom went to the bishop to talk with him. If they really have been there? Only they know. Bishop agreed with the Palmers Hotel, two cars I have had to order for the church guys, they have to come. Bishop also needed assistance from a pastor, so at least 15 people from church should come to help with the ceremony. I asked, must they hold at hands? It's possible. Some days later we have had the documents for registry. The bishop and the pastor were assigned to help us. I tell you the truth, both of them were standing at the registry like a parcel not taken. So, no help from them. We went out from the registry and Jackie said, let us get something to eat at the Palmers Hotel. The bishop was looking around, asking, where is this Palmers Hotel? That makes me feeling a little bit curious. Actually now I don't believe that the bishop is a bishop or the pastor is a pastor. Days later we met him in Kisumu. We were there for the online registration of our planned marriage. He gave advice what and how we have to scan and copy our documents, than he left. Jackie wanted a church wedding as mentioned above. So she has to fill in the registration number of the church and the pastor, neither the bishop has given it! Strange, at least this tgey should have known. I bought wedding groowns, and some other stuff, ladies like it. And yes, she was looking great in that dress, like an angel. 

Time goes by. Marriage was no more matter. House was no more matter. One daughter have had problems in her marriage but this doesn't concern me.

Her behavior becomes strange. Very strange. Now I know it was this was caused of. She was thinking that I'm a rich one and slowly she found out that I'm not rich. I can buy my food, can pay my bills, but that's all. So she thought to look for a rich one. And she thought she got one. She went to Nairobi to meet him and she met him. She called me from there and I heard a man's voice, telling her, tell him you love him, then giggling. The question is only before or after she slept with him. I'm sure, he kicked her out, most likely after they have done it. Next day she came back with red eyes. I guess she stayed overnight at the shuttle station.

I was wandering what was going on, really. No more question about the house. No more question about me. I start to be a stranger. The other daughter, Jenny, started her own business. I was wandering, because until now she is not capable to stay at work. She lost all the works she was able to get. And that's not strange. One time I asked her how much is 10x50 and she could not answer. Maybe to many zeros for her. What I heard is that they rented a shop and restaurated it, that costs about 25.000. From where comes that money? Easy answer, mostly from me. For the last months Jackie has taken money from me. One day I looked into my wallet and all the money was gone!

The story must be shorted. I left her. I found out that she never loved me, I was only the bank for her.

Months later I came back. There is no need for me to have a house, a plot in Kenya,want to sell it. The documents are with Jackie. I went to Mosocho, stayed in Venus Gardens Hotel. In Mosocho everybody knows me. Ten minutes after my arrival Jenny an her friend Joy came, checking if it's really me. After a while Jackie came. We talked. Shortly said, she refused to give documents to me. She refused everything. I told her if she acts like that I have no other chances as to go to court. Jackie was laughing. She told me what will be happen, the advocate will take my money and she will take my plot. We were discussing this, then she  bent over to me and said, now we go into your room and you fuck me! I refused, there was a black guy talking with her, so I told her that this guy want to fuck her. I went up to my room, Jackie behind me. When I opened the door I have seen that something was wrong. I was robbed! The strange thing is that the sales agreement was stolen. Also was stolen my jacket, my wallet with 40.000, my eyeglasses, my sugar measure instrument, one trousers. All other things were remaining.

Now I have an advocate and nothing goes. Only my money. I lost everything. Jackie has not spend 1 KSh and now she's gaining 2 million. As I found out, in Kenya is no law existing. And that's true. Here you can do what you want.

The foreigner is the looser. And that not always true. Some guys asked me how I see Kenya,why so many whites are coming to Kenya. They believed I would say because it's a beautiful country but I know it better. The whites coming here because here is a good business possible. That means here they can do what they want, money makes to road straight. In Europe they will be processed, here nothing happens.

I have done a small search. Actually I tried to find out the truth.

Here is my result.

1. Jackie has been married to Odongo. I asked her why on HER ID her name is Odongo? It's a mistake by government,she said.

2. Patrick, so the message, is her lover.

3. I got conned. That's sure. And this was planned by her Aunt, Patrick and Jackie. The question here is, where is Charles? Is he a relative, a lover? Or what?

That's the story. I am not the only white guy who got conned. There are a lot others. The problem is that there is no prosecution. The thiefs can thief. No one is stopping them. Police is doing nothing, CID is doing nothing. Conning can go on.

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